- The π-Electron Delocalization Imposed by Thermal Vibrations of Substituted Benzene Analogues in Mediums of Varying Polarities, (5-16)
Cysewski Piotr, Jeliński Tomasz
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.05-16
- Phase Diagram of Diblock Copolymer Melt in Dimension d = 5, (17-23)
Dzięcielski Michał, Lewandowski Krzysztof, Banaszak Michał
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.17-23
- The Optimal Temperature Control for the Reactions with Parallel Deactivation of Enzyme Encapsulated inside Microorganism Cells, (25-34)
Grubecki Ireneusz
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.25-34
- Sums of Independent Random Variables of the Modified Makeham Distribution, (35-40)
Kosznik-Biernacka Sylwia
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.35-40
- Naming Game and Computational Modelling of Language Evolution, (41-51)
Lipowska Dorota
DOI: DOI:10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.41-51
- Computational Experiments for Scheduling Workflow Applications in Grid Environment, (53-62)
Mika Marek, Piątek Wojciech, Waligóra Grzegorz, Węglarz Jan
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.53-62
- Flow of a Hydromagnetic Fluid through Porous Media between Permeable Beds under Exponentially Decaying Pressure Gradient, (63-74)
Prasad Balgangaghar, Kumar Amit
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.63-74
- Structure of Small Platinum Clusters Revised, (75-85)
Winczewski Szymon, Rybicki Jarosław
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2011.17.01.75-85