Wojciechowski Krzysztof W.

Krzysztof Witold Wojciechowski is a Full Professor at the Institute of Molecular Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP PAS) in Poznan´. He is also a Full Professor at the President Stanisław Wojciechowski University in Kalisz. He received the MSc degree in Theoretical Physics and the MSc degree in Mathematics from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He earned the PhD in Physics from the IMP PAS, where he also habilitated. His research interests concern, among other topics, statistical mechanics of hard-body systems, algorithms for simulations of many-body systems, auxetics and influence of various mechanisms on the Poisson’s ratio of condensed matter systems, materials with unstable inclusions, generators of (pseudo)random numbers, applications of fractional derivative in physics, and exotic liquid crystalline phases. He is an author and co-author of more than 200 research papers written in English, Polish or Russian and published in such journals as Phys. Rev. Lett., Advanced Materials, Phys. Lett. A, Phys. Rev. A, Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. E, J. Chem. Phys., J. Phys. Chem. A, Molecular Physics, etc. Prof. Wojciechowski guest co-edited more than two dozen thematic issues (on auxetics and related materials, mechanics of continuous media, statistical mechanics of condensed matter, computer simulation methods, nonlinear and disordered systems) for international journals including Phys. Status Solidi B (15), J. Non-Cryst. Solids (4), Smart Materials and Structures (2), J. Mech. Mat. Struct. (2), Rev. Adv. Mat. Sci. (2), etc. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the CMST (OWN Poznan´), Smart Materials and Structures (IOP Publishing), and TASK Quarterly (TASK).



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