Katarzyniak Radosław
Personal Data: born 01 June 1966, Kalisz, Poland; Current Position: Professor of Computer Science, Wroclaw University of Technology (WrUT), Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw, Poland; Head of Semantic Systems Engineering Group, WrUT; Academic Education: 1991: MSc in Computer Science from WrUT, Thesis: “Heuristics for Consensus Partition Problem.”; 1999: PhD in Computer Science from WrUT, Thesis: “Multi-agent management in distributed processing systems.”; 2009: D.Sc. (Habilitation) in Computer Science from AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland, Thesis: “Grounding of a Modal Language of Communication in Multiagent Systems.”; Professional Activities: organizing chair of multiple conferences (IEA-AIE’08; International Conference on Collective Computational Intelligence – ICCCI’09, ICCCI’10, ICCCI’11; Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems – ACI-IDS’09, ACCIDS’10); member of: SMCS Technical Committee on Computational Collective Intelligence and the Technical Committee of KES Focus Group on Agent and Multi-agent Systems; editor of a monograph “Ontologies and Soft Methods in Knowledge Management” (Int. Series on Natural and Artificial Intelligence, AKI, Adelaide), co-editor of five monographs on application of computational intelligence methods (Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer); guest editor of special issues in international journals on multiagent systems and computational intelligence applications; author of about 120 research journal and conference papers; Current Research Interests: artificial intelligence – agent and multiagent systems modelling, semantic systems engineering; natural and artificial cognition – cognitive semantics, language processing, language evolution; knowledge management – computational methods in knowledge processing, information retrieval, and knowledge extraction.
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