A Note on Nonemptiness of Cognitive Semantics for Linguistic Representations of Modal Equivalence
Katarzyniak Radosław, Więcek Dominik
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Department of Informatics
Laboratory of Computational Semiotics and Interactive Systems
E-mail: {radoslaw.katarzyniak, dominik.wiecek}@pwr.edu.pl
Received: 10 October 2018; revised: 07 December 2018; accepted: 07 December 2018; published online: 28 December 2018
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000045
In this paper we deal with an original model of technically oriented cognitive semantics of modal equivalences, stated in semi-controlled natural languages and used as surface linguistic representations of internal knowledge states of artificial autonomous systems. The cognitive semantics is defined to support generation of natural language statements extended with auto-epistemic operators of modality, representing subjectively experienced certainty, strong belief and week belief of the autonomous system that the relationship between occurrence of two chosen properties in a real object is the logical equivalence relation. An internal architecture of the autonomous system is briefly presented with particular emphasis on computational modules responsible for verification of compliance of current knowledge processing states with states described by the cognitive semantics as proper for application of a particular case of modal equivalence. The major issue discussed in the paper concerns an original theory of grounding of modal equivalences in empirical knowledge resources, encapsulated in the autonomous system. The whole theory consists of theorems describing basic and advanced properties of the cognitive semantics. In the paper, the attention is limited to presentation and proof of four theorems about nonemptiness of the proposed cognitive semantics. The research results cover the next stage of some research and development efforts, concerning the technical implementation of cognitive computing models, describing the artificial generation of semi-natural languages by the interactive autonomous system to describe their encapsulated knowledge resources.
Key words:
artificial cognitive system, autoepistemic modality, cognitive computing, equivalence, linguistic representation, natural language connective, natural language engineering
[1] P.R. Cohen, H.J. Levesque, Intention is choice with commitment., Artificial Intelligence 42, No. 2–3, pp. 213–269 (1990).
[2] S. Coradeschi, A. Saffiotti, Anchoring symbolic object descriptions to sensory data. Problem statement., Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science 4(9) (1999).
[3] J.Y. Halpern, Y. Moses, Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment, Journal of ACM 37, No. 3, pp. 549–587 (1990).
[4] J.Y. Halpern, Y. Moses, A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief., Artificial Intelligence 54, No. 3, pp. 319–379 (1992).
[5] J. Hintikka, Knowledge and belief. An introduction to the logic of the two no-tions., Cornell University Press, New York, 1962.
[6] R.P. Katarzyniak, On some properties of grounding simple modalities, Systems Science 31(3), pp. 59–86 (2005).
[7] R.P. Katarzyniak, Some notes on grounding singletons of modal conjunctions, Systems Science 32(1), pp. 45–55 (2005).
[8] R.P. Katarzyniak, On some properties of grounding uniform sets of modal conjunctions. Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems 17, No. 3, pp. 209–218 (2006).
[9] R.P. Katarzyniak, Gruntowanie modalnego je ̨zyka komunikacji w systemach agentowych, Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza Exit, Warszawa, 2007 (in Polish).
[10] R.P. Katarzyniak, W. Lorkiewicz, Wie ̨cek D., Some Notes on Extracting Linguistic Summaries Built with Epistemic Modalities and Natural Language Connectives of Equivalence, Computational Methods in Science and Technology 23(1), pp. 19–41 (2017).
[11] R.P. Katarzyniak, N.T. Nguyen and J.C. Jain, Soft computing approach to contextual determinantion of grounding sets for simple modalities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 4692, pp. 230–237 (2007).
[12] R.P. Katarzyniak, Pieczyn ́ska-A. Kuchtiak, A consensus based algorithm for grounding belief formulas in internally stored perceptions, Neural Network World 12(5), pp. 461– 472 (2002).
[13] R.P. Katarzyniak, Pieczyn ́ska-A. Kuchtiak, Grounding and extracting modal re-sponses in cognitive agents: ’and’ query and states of incomplete knowledge, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 14(2), pp. 249– 263 (2004).
[14] S. Kripke, Semantical Analysis of Modal Logic, Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logic und Grundlagen der Mathematik 9, pp. 67–96 (1963).
[15] R.P. Katarzyniak, Wie ̨cek D., An approach to extraction of linguistic recommendation rules – application of modal conditionals grounding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7653, pp. 249–258 (2012).
[16] R.W. Langacker, Foundations of cognitive grammar 1, Theoretical prerequisits, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987.
[17] R.W. Langacker, Foundations of cognitive grammar 2, Descrptive application, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1991.
[18] B.Lindervan,W.Hoekvander,J.Meyer-J.Ch.,Formalising motivational at-titudes of agents: on preferences, goals, and commitements., [In:] Intelligent Agents II. Agent Theories, architectures, and Languages., M. Wooldridge, Müller J.P., M. Tambe (eds.), Proc. IJCAI’95 (ATAL 1995), pp. 17–32, 1995.
[19] B. Lindern van, W. van der Hoek, J.-J. CH. Meyer ,Formalising abilities and opportunities of Agents., Fundamenta Informatica 34, No. 1–2, pp. 53–101 (1998).
[20] W. Lorkiewicz, Issues on Two-Layer Object Perception in the Process of Artificial Semiosis, Third European Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), Wroclaw, pp. 165–172, 2016.
[21] W. Lorkiewicz, R.P. Katarzyniak, R. Kowalczyk, Individual Semiosis in Multi-Agent Systems, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence VII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7270, pp. 164–197 (2012).
[22] J. Nuyts, Epistemic modality, language, and conceptualization: A cognitive-pragmatic perspective, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2001.
[23] A. Pieczyn ́ska-Kuchtiak, Experience-based learning of semantic messages generation in resource-bounded environment, Systems Science 30(2), pp. 115–132 (2004).
[24] A.S. Rao, M.P. Georgeff, Modelling rational agents within a BDI-architecture., Proc. KR ‘91, USA, San Mateo, pp. 473– 484, 1991.
[25] D. Roy, Semiotic schemas: A framework for grounding language in action and perception., Artificial Intelligence 167(1–2), pp. 170–205 (2005).
[26] G. Skorupa, Grounding of modal conditionals in agent systems, PhD Thesis, Wrocław: Wrocław University of Technology, 2013.
[27] M. Singh, Multiagent systems: a theoretical framework for intentions, know-how, and communications., SpringerVerlag, Heilderberg, 1994.
[28] F.J. Stachowiak, Tracing the role of memory and attention for the meta-informative validation of utterances, [in] Metainformative Centering in Utterances: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, A. Włodarczyk, H. Włodarczyk (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 121–142, 2013.
[29] R.Sun,Symbolgrounding:anewlookatanoldidea.,Philosophical Psychology 13(2), pp. 149–172 (2000).
[30] L. Talmy, Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
[31] G. Underwood, Implicit Cognition, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[32] P. Vogt, Anchoring of semiotic symbols., Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(2–3), pp. 109–120 (2003).
[33] P.Vogt,ThePhysicalSymbolGroundingProblem.,Cognitive Systems Research 3(3), pp. 429–457 (2005).
[34] D. Wie ̨cek, R.P. Katarzyniak, Modal equivalences as linguistic summarisation of data resources, [In:] Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery, Big Data and High Performance Computing, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław (Poland), pp. 23–32, 2013.
[35] A. Włodarczyk, Grounding of the meta-informative status of utterances, [In] A. Włodarczyk and H. Włodarczyk, Eds., Meta-informative Centering in Utterances: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 41–58, 2013.
[36] T. Ziemke, Rethinking Grounding. In: A. Riegler, M. Peschl, von A. Stein (Eds.), Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 177–190, 1999.
In this paper we deal with an original model of technically oriented cognitive semantics of modal equivalences, stated in semi-controlled natural languages and used as surface linguistic representations of internal knowledge states of artificial autonomous systems. The cognitive semantics is defined to support generation of natural language statements extended with auto-epistemic operators of modality, representing subjectively experienced certainty, strong belief and week belief of the autonomous system that the relationship between occurrence of two chosen properties in a real object is the logical equivalence relation. An internal architecture of the autonomous system is briefly presented with particular emphasis on computational modules responsible for verification of compliance of current knowledge processing states with states described by the cognitive semantics as proper for application of a particular case of modal equivalence. The major issue discussed in the paper concerns an original theory of grounding of modal equivalences in empirical knowledge resources, encapsulated in the autonomous system. The whole theory consists of theorems describing basic and advanced properties of the cognitive semantics. In the paper, the attention is limited to presentation and proof of four theorems about nonemptiness of the proposed cognitive semantics. The research results cover the next stage of some research and development efforts, concerning the technical implementation of cognitive computing models, describing the artificial generation of semi-natural languages by the interactive autonomous system to describe their encapsulated knowledge resources.
Key words:
artificial cognitive system, autoepistemic modality, cognitive computing, equivalence, linguistic representation, natural language connective, natural language engineering
[1] P.R. Cohen, H.J. Levesque, Intention is choice with commitment., Artificial Intelligence 42, No. 2–3, pp. 213–269 (1990).
[2] S. Coradeschi, A. Saffiotti, Anchoring symbolic object descriptions to sensory data. Problem statement., Linköping Electronic Articles in Computer and Information Science 4(9) (1999).
[3] J.Y. Halpern, Y. Moses, Knowledge and common knowledge in a distributed environment, Journal of ACM 37, No. 3, pp. 549–587 (1990).
[4] J.Y. Halpern, Y. Moses, A guide to completeness and complexity for modal logics of knowledge and belief., Artificial Intelligence 54, No. 3, pp. 319–379 (1992).
[5] J. Hintikka, Knowledge and belief. An introduction to the logic of the two no-tions., Cornell University Press, New York, 1962.
[6] R.P. Katarzyniak, On some properties of grounding simple modalities, Systems Science 31(3), pp. 59–86 (2005).
[7] R.P. Katarzyniak, Some notes on grounding singletons of modal conjunctions, Systems Science 32(1), pp. 45–55 (2005).
[8] R.P. Katarzyniak, On some properties of grounding uniform sets of modal conjunctions. Journal of Intelligent Fuzzy Systems 17, No. 3, pp. 209–218 (2006).
[9] R.P. Katarzyniak, Gruntowanie modalnego je ̨zyka komunikacji w systemach agentowych, Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza Exit, Warszawa, 2007 (in Polish).
[10] R.P. Katarzyniak, W. Lorkiewicz, Wie ̨cek D., Some Notes on Extracting Linguistic Summaries Built with Epistemic Modalities and Natural Language Connectives of Equivalence, Computational Methods in Science and Technology 23(1), pp. 19–41 (2017).
[11] R.P. Katarzyniak, N.T. Nguyen and J.C. Jain, Soft computing approach to contextual determinantion of grounding sets for simple modalities, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) 4692, pp. 230–237 (2007).
[12] R.P. Katarzyniak, Pieczyn ́ska-A. Kuchtiak, A consensus based algorithm for grounding belief formulas in internally stored perceptions, Neural Network World 12(5), pp. 461– 472 (2002).
[13] R.P. Katarzyniak, Pieczyn ́ska-A. Kuchtiak, Grounding and extracting modal re-sponses in cognitive agents: ’and’ query and states of incomplete knowledge, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 14(2), pp. 249– 263 (2004).
[14] S. Kripke, Semantical Analysis of Modal Logic, Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logic und Grundlagen der Mathematik 9, pp. 67–96 (1963).
[15] R.P. Katarzyniak, Wie ̨cek D., An approach to extraction of linguistic recommendation rules – application of modal conditionals grounding, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 7653, pp. 249–258 (2012).
[16] R.W. Langacker, Foundations of cognitive grammar 1, Theoretical prerequisits, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987.
[17] R.W. Langacker, Foundations of cognitive grammar 2, Descrptive application, Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1991.
[18] B.Lindervan,W.Hoekvander,J.Meyer-J.Ch.,Formalising motivational at-titudes of agents: on preferences, goals, and commitements., [In:] Intelligent Agents II. Agent Theories, architectures, and Languages., M. Wooldridge, Müller J.P., M. Tambe (eds.), Proc. IJCAI’95 (ATAL 1995), pp. 17–32, 1995.
[19] B. Lindern van, W. van der Hoek, J.-J. CH. Meyer ,Formalising abilities and opportunities of Agents., Fundamenta Informatica 34, No. 1–2, pp. 53–101 (1998).
[20] W. Lorkiewicz, Issues on Two-Layer Object Perception in the Process of Artificial Semiosis, Third European Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), Wroclaw, pp. 165–172, 2016.
[21] W. Lorkiewicz, R.P. Katarzyniak, R. Kowalczyk, Individual Semiosis in Multi-Agent Systems, Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence VII. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7270, pp. 164–197 (2012).
[22] J. Nuyts, Epistemic modality, language, and conceptualization: A cognitive-pragmatic perspective, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., 2001.
[23] A. Pieczyn ́ska-Kuchtiak, Experience-based learning of semantic messages generation in resource-bounded environment, Systems Science 30(2), pp. 115–132 (2004).
[24] A.S. Rao, M.P. Georgeff, Modelling rational agents within a BDI-architecture., Proc. KR ‘91, USA, San Mateo, pp. 473– 484, 1991.
[25] D. Roy, Semiotic schemas: A framework for grounding language in action and perception., Artificial Intelligence 167(1–2), pp. 170–205 (2005).
[26] G. Skorupa, Grounding of modal conditionals in agent systems, PhD Thesis, Wrocław: Wrocław University of Technology, 2013.
[27] M. Singh, Multiagent systems: a theoretical framework for intentions, know-how, and communications., SpringerVerlag, Heilderberg, 1994.
[28] F.J. Stachowiak, Tracing the role of memory and attention for the meta-informative validation of utterances, [in] Metainformative Centering in Utterances: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, A. Włodarczyk, H. Włodarczyk (eds), John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 121–142, 2013.
[29] R.Sun,Symbolgrounding:anewlookatanoldidea.,Philosophical Psychology 13(2), pp. 149–172 (2000).
[30] L. Talmy, Toward a Cognitive Semantics, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000.
[31] G. Underwood, Implicit Cognition, Oxford University Press, 1996.
[32] P. Vogt, Anchoring of semiotic symbols., Robotics and Autonomous Systems 43(2–3), pp. 109–120 (2003).
[33] P.Vogt,ThePhysicalSymbolGroundingProblem.,Cognitive Systems Research 3(3), pp. 429–457 (2005).
[34] D. Wie ̨cek, R.P. Katarzyniak, Modal equivalences as linguistic summarisation of data resources, [In:] Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Intelligent Information Systems, Knowledge Discovery, Big Data and High Performance Computing, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław (Poland), pp. 23–32, 2013.
[35] A. Włodarczyk, Grounding of the meta-informative status of utterances, [In] A. Włodarczyk and H. Włodarczyk, Eds., Meta-informative Centering in Utterances: Between Semantics and Pragmatics, John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam, pp. 41–58, 2013.
[36] T. Ziemke, Rethinking Grounding. In: A. Riegler, M. Peschl, von A. Stein (Eds.), Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 177–190, 1999.