Two-temperature pedagogical cell models, extensions of the equilibrium Einstein model of solid state physics, can allow nonequilibrium hot-to-cold heat transfer. These heat-flow models can be driven by thermostatted temperature differences, for instance between horizontal and vertical degrees of ...
The one-dimensional φ4 Model generalizes a harmonic chain with nearest-neighbor Hooke’s-Law interactions by adding quartic potentials tethering each particle to its lattice site. In their studies of this model Kenichiro Aoki and Dimitri Kusnezov emphasized its most interesting feature: because ...
Chaos in conservative systems, particularly in Hamiltonian systems, is different from chaos in dissipative systems. For example, not only the eigenvalues of the symmetric Jacobian, but also the global Lyapunov exponents of Hamiltonian systems occur in pairs (λ, −λ). In this article, we even s ...
The symmetries of the minimal φ4 theory on the lattice are systematically analyzed. We find that symmetry can restrict trajectories to subspaces, while their motions are still chaotic. The chaotic dynamics of autonomous Hamiltonian systems are discussed in relation to the thermodynamic laws. Pos ...
The time-averaged Lyapunov exponents, {λi}, support a mechanistic description of the chaos generated in and by nonlinear dynamical systems. The exponents are ordered from largest to smallest with the largest one desc ...
A new discrete time-reversible map of a unit square onto itself is proposed. The map comprises of piecewise linear two-dimensional operations, and is able to represent the macroscopic features of both equilibrium and nonequilibrium dynamical systems. Our operations are analogous to sinusoidally d ...