- The 2017 SNOOK PRIZES in Computational Statistical Mechanics, (75–79)
Hoover Wm.G. , Hoover C.G.
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000024
- Ian Snook Additional Prize 2017, (81)
Stroiński Maciej, Węglarz Jan, Wojciechowski Krzysztof W.
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000030
- Symmetry, Chaos and Temperature in the One-dimensional Lattice φ4 Theory, (83–95)
Aoki Kenichiro
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2017.0000055
- On Local Lyapunov Exponents of Chaotic Hamiltonian Systems, (97–111)
Hofmann Timo, Merker Jochen
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2017.0000053
- Reflection of Plane Waves at Micropolar Piezothermoelastic Half-space, (113–124)
Kumar Rajneesh, Sharma Nidhi, Lata Parveen, Marin Marin
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2016.0000069
- Global Stability Analysis of Logistically Grown SIR Model with Loss of Immunity, Inhibitory Effect, Crowding Effect and its Protection Measure, (125–141)
Ghosh Uttam, Sarkar Susmita
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2016.0000071
- Nonparametric Versus Parametric Reasoning Based on 2×2 Contingency Tables, (143–153)
Sulewski Piotr
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000009
- Ergodic Isoenergetic Molecular Dynamics for Microcanonical-Ensemble Averages, (155–158)
Hoover Wm.G. , Hoover C.G.
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000035
- The φ4 Model, Chaos, Thermodynamics, and the 2018 SNOOK Prizes in Computational Statistical Mechanics, (159–163)
Hoover Wm.G. , Hoover C.G.
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000032