Popek Grzegorz
Grzegorz Popek, born 30 September 1983, Wroclaw, Poland; Current Position: Assistant Professor, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WrUT), Institute of Informatics, Wroclaw, Poland; Member of Computational Semiotics and Interactive Systems Group, WrUT; Academic Education: 2007: M.Sc. in Computer Science from WrUT, 2013: PhD in Computer Science from WrUT, and Swinburne University of Technology, FICT, Melbourne, Australia; Professional Activities: Organising Committee member of several international conferences (IEA-AIE’08, ICCCI’09, ACIIDS’09, ICCCI’11, ACIIDS’11, ICCCI’12), Member of KES Focus Group on Agent and Multi-agent Systems; Author and co-author of over 20 research journal and conference papers; Current Research Interests: artificial and ambient intelligence - agent and multi- agent systems modelling; artificial cognition - semantic communication, language processing and evolution, computational cognition; knowledge management systems - computational methods in knowledge processing and information retrieval, procedural generation of content in computer games.
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