Coppola Massimo

MASSIMO COPPOLA was born in 1969 in Civitavecchia, Italy. He obtained the MS and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Pisa (October 2002), with a PhD thesis on the application of Structured Parallel Programming to Data Mining. He has been Research Assistant of the C.S. Dept. of Pisa (2002- 2003), working on the same topic. He collaborated with QSW-Alenia Spazio (1997), and Consorzio Pisa Ricerche (1997, 2002), and has been Assistant Professor with the ISTI/ CNR institute in Pisa (2003-2006). He is currently Research Associate with the Department of Computer Science of Pisa, where he teaches Advanced Parallel Programming (CCP). He mainly works on High-level Parallel Programming Environments, collaborating to the development of the ASSIST environment, and on Component programming Models for Computational Grids, in the framework of several Italian ( and European Research Projects (CoreGRID, GridComp, XtreemOS). His interests include languages, tools and performance models for structured parallel computing, run-time support, deployment and distributed management of parallel, self-adapting applications over large-scale heterogeneous Grids, and paradigms for parallel, I/O intensive applications to efficiently exploit distributed I/O over large Clusters.



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