Manuscripts and old prints of the Karaim Digital Archive – from Ms Word files to TEI P5
Abkowicz Mariola 1, Hoffmann Tomasz 2, Kozak Michał 2
1 Department of Asian Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University
Aleja Niepodległości 24, 61-714 Poznań, Poland
E-mail: Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
Jana Pawła II 10, 61-139 Poznań, Poland
E-mail: {tomhof,mkozak}
Received: 20 March 2017; revised: 27 November 2017; accepted: 16 January 2018; published online: 31 March 2018
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2018.0000003
Gathering metadata regarding historical resources, such as manuscripts and old prints, requires determining their structure. Archiving data in the form of Ms Word files containing descriptions of these objects seems to be a simple and effective solution. However, problems arise when we want to unify recurring information, analyze and publish metadata and accompanied scans to a wide range of researchers and the community. In that case, the TEI P5 format ( can help us. We present the process of creating a digital archive of Karaim literature called eJazyszłar. We describe source data of this archive and justify the proposed solutions, especially TEI P5.
Key words:
digital archives, eJazyszłar, Karaim manuscripts, Karaim old prints, TEI P5
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