Computer Simulation of Cyclic Polymers in Disordered Media
Kuriata Aleksander, Sikorski Andrzej *
Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw
Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 822 0211, Fax: +48 22 822 5996
Received: 21 November 2014; revised: 26 February 2015; accepted: 27 February 2015; published online: 18 March 2015
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2015.21.01.003
In order to determine the structure and dynamical properties of cyclic polymers (rings) in a random environment we developed and studied an idealized model. All atomic details were suppressed, chains were represented as a sequence of identical beads and were embedded to a simple cubic lattice. A set of obstacles was also randomly introduced into the system and it can be viewed as a model of porous media. A Monte Carlo sampling algorithm using local changes of chain conformation was used to sample the conformational space. It was shown that the mean dimensions of the chain changed with the concentration of obstacles but these changes were non-monotonic. The long-time (diffusion) dynamic properties of the system were also studied. The differences in the mobility of chains depending on the obstacle density were shown and discussed.
Key words:
cyclic polymers, disordered media, lattice models, Monte Carlo method
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[50] A. Koli ́nski, M. Vieth i A. Sikorski, Collapse of Semiflexi-
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[51] K.Binder,M. Müller,J.Baschnagel,Polymer Models onthe
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Basel,p. 125-146, 2004.
[52] A.Takano,Y. Ohta,K. Masuoka,K. Matsubara, T. Nakano,
A. Hieno, M. Itakura, K. Takahashi, S. Kinugasa, D.
Kawaguchi,Y.Takahashi,Y.Matsushita, Radii of gyration
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[53] A.Y. Grosberg,Critical Exponentsfor RandomKnots, Phys.
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[54] A. Dobay, J. Dubochet, K. Millett,P.-E. Sottas, A. Stasiak,
Scaling behavior of random knots, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. 100,5611-5615 (2003).
[55] A. Kolinski, J.Skolnick, R.Yaris, Monte Carlo studies on
the longtimedynamic properties of densecubiclattice mul-
tichain systems.I. The homopolymeric melt, J. Chem. Phys.
86, 7164-7173 (1987).
In order to determine the structure and dynamical properties of cyclic polymers (rings) in a random environment we developed and studied an idealized model. All atomic details were suppressed, chains were represented as a sequence of identical beads and were embedded to a simple cubic lattice. A set of obstacles was also randomly introduced into the system and it can be viewed as a model of porous media. A Monte Carlo sampling algorithm using local changes of chain conformation was used to sample the conformational space. It was shown that the mean dimensions of the chain changed with the concentration of obstacles but these changes were non-monotonic. The long-time (diffusion) dynamic properties of the system were also studied. The differences in the mobility of chains depending on the obstacle density were shown and discussed.
Key words:
cyclic polymers, disordered media, lattice models, Monte Carlo method
[1] A. Baumgärtner and M. Muthukumar, A trapped polymer
in random porous media, Adv. Chem. Phys. 94, 625-708
[2] M. Ediger, Spatially Heterogeneous Dynamics In Super-
cooled Liquids, Annu. Rev. Phys.Chem. 51, 99-128 (2000).
[3] E. Eisenriegler, Polymers near Surfaces, World Scientific,
[4] A.Sikorski,PolymerChains inConfinementandPorousMe-
dia, Solid State Phenom. 138, 451-475 (2008).
[5] G.W.Slater and S.Y. Wu, Reptation, EntropicTrapping, Per-
colation, and Rouse Dynamics of Polymers in “Random”
Environments, Phys. Rev.Lett. 75, 164-167 (1995).
[6] V. Yamakov, D. Stauffer, A. Milchev, G.M. Foo and R.B.
Pandey, Crossover Dynamics for Polymer Simulation in
Porous Media, Phys.Rev. Lett. 79, 2356-2358 (1997).
[7] V. Yamakov andA. Milchev, Diffusion of a polymer chain
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[8] G.I. Nixon and W.G. Slater, Relaxation length of a polymer
chain in a quenched disordered medium,Phys. Rev. E 60,
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[9] P.M. Saville and E.M. Sevick, Collision of a Field-Driven
Polymer with a Finite-Sized Obstacle: A Brownian Dynam-
ics Simulation,Macromolecules32, 892-899(1999).
[10] S.H. Chern and R.D. Coalson, Entropic trapping of a flexi-
ble polymer inafixed networkof randomobstacles,J.Chem.
Phys. 111, 1778-1781 (1999).
[11] A.Duaand B.J. Cherayil, Theanomalous diffusionof poly-
mers inrandom media, J. Chem.Phys.112, 421-427 (2000).
[12] G.I. Nixon and W.G. Slater, Saturation and entropic trap-
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[13] A. Bhattacharya, Conformation and drift of a telechelic
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[15] G.C. Randall and P.S. Doyle, Collision of a DNA Poly-
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[16] R.Chang andA.Yethiraj, Dynamics of Chain Moleculesin
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tion of the degree ofdisorder in the medium, Phys. Lett.A
364,448-452 (2007).
[18] A. Balducci and P.S. Doyle, Conformational Precondition-
ing by Electrophoresis of DNA through a Finite Obstacle
Array, Macromolecules41,5485-5492(2008).
[19] B.J. Sung, R. Chang and A. Yethiraj, Swelling of polymers
in porous media,J. Chem. Phys.130, 124908 (2009).
[20] P. Romiszowski,A. Sikorski, Properties of Linear Polymer
Chainsin Porous Media, J.Non-Crystal. Solids 352, 4303-
4308 (2006).
[21] J.A. Semlyen, Cyclic Polymers(2nd edition),Kluwer,Dor-
[22] T.C.B. McLeish, Polymers Without Beginning orEnd, Sci-
ence 297, 2005-2006 (2002).
[23] T.C.B. McLeish, Polymer dynamics: Floored by the rings,
Nature Mater.7, 933-935(2008).
[24] M. Kapnistos, M. Lang, D. Vlassopoulos, W. Pyckhout-
Hintzen, D. Richter, D. Cho, T.Chang and M.Rubinstein,
Unexpected power-law stress relaxation of entangled ring
polymers, Nature Mater. 7, 997-1002(2008).
[25] C.W. Bielawski, D. Benitezand R.H. Grubbs, An“Endless”
Route to Cyclic Polymers, Science297, 2041-2044(2002).
[26] G. Beaucage, A.S. Kulkarni, Dimensional Description
of Cyclic Macromolecules, Macromolecules 43, 532-537
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Higgins andM.J.Shenton, Conformation ofCyclics and Lin-
earChain Polymers in Bulkby SANS, Macromolecules 37,
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[28] R.M.Robertson and D.E. Smith, Strong effects of molecu-
lar topologyon diffusionof entangled DNAmolecules, Proc.
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[29] F. Baldelli Bombelli, F. Gambinossi, M.Lagi, D. Berti, G.
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[52] A.Takano,Y. Ohta,K. Masuoka,K. Matsubara, T. Nakano,
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