Kowalczuk Maria

MARIA KOWALCZUK, PhD. Assistant Editor, BioMed Central, responsible for managing the peer-review process for a subset of the BMC-series journals. Previous position: research associate at University of Wroclaw (2002- 2006), Department of Genomics. Research interests: genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, computer simulations of gene, genome and population evolution. Publications: first author and co-author of over 30 scientific publications and over 50 national and international conference communications (full list and pdf version of the doctoral thesis written in English are available at http://smorfland.microb.uni.wroc.pl/paper.html). Maria Kowalczuk studied biology and specialized in microbiology. Her postgraduate research focused on substitution matrices used in simulations of gene and genome evolution. She obtained a PhD in 2002 and until 2006 she worked on a variety of topics centering around relationships between the genetic code and the mutational and selection pressures. At present she works for a publishing company BioMed Central where she manages peer review process for manuscripts submitted to a number of various journals including BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, BMC Evolutionary Biology, BMC Structural Biology, and BMC Systems Biology.



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