Kot Piotr

PIOTR KOT. I graduated in Mathematics from Jagiellonian University in 1995. My M.A. thesis was entitled “Contractive holomorphic metrics” and was prepared with the assistance of prof. M. Jarnicki. In 1998 I graduated in Computer Science from Jagiellonian University. My M.A. thesis was entitled “Homology calculation of cubical complexes in n”. It was prepared with the assistance of dr. M. Ślusarek. The same year I started to work as a junior assistant at Krakow University of Technology. In 2002/2003 I prepared PhD dissertation entitled “Exceptional sets” with the assistance of associate prof. P. Jakóbczak. This thesis was a result of over two-year research into the behavior of holomorphic functions integrals along complex directions and provided many new results. I received PhD in November 2003. Recently my research is connected with so called Radon Inversion Problem which has some applications in Computer Tomography.



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