- Why Instantaneous Values of the “Covariant” Lyapunov Exponents Depend upon the Chosen State-Space Scale, (5-8)
Hoover Wm.G. , Hoover C.G.
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2014.20.01.5-8
- Preprocessing and Storing High-Throughput Sequencing Data, (9-20)
Świercz Aleksandra, Bosak Bartosz, Chłopkowski Marek, Hoffa Arkadiusz, Kasprzak Marta, Kurowski Krzysztof, Piontek Tomasz, Błażewicz Jacek
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2014.20.01.9-20
- Diverse Neural Architectures in Assembler Encoding, (21-34)
Praczyk Tomasz
DOI: 10.12921/cmst.2014.20.01.21-34